Spring 2022 Course: Quantitative Methods


Spring 2022 Course: Quantitative Methods

Wednesday, 17th Aug, 2022 Spring 2022 Course: Quantitative Methods

Course Title: Quantitative Methods

Instructor: Prof Shih-chang Lin

Time: Monday, 9 - 11 AM 

Location: Lecture Room A09, 2F, Innovative Incubation Center, NTHU

Credit: 2

Language: Offered in English

Course Code: 11020TSE 505100

Course Description:

TSE 5051 introduces a range of quantitative tools that are commonly used to inform public policy issues. It provides an introduction to descriptive statistics, probability theory, statistical inference, and decision analysis. Our goal is that by the end of this course you will be able to:

1.Take a data set and a broad descriptive policy question (such as "What has happened to income distribution in Taiwan in the last 30 years?"), figure out what statistical analysis would be most appropriate to answer the question, conduct such an analysis, and present the findings in a way that is accessible to policymakers.

2.Identify real world policy situations in which the tools of probability can be used, identify which tools are most relevant, and critically consume policy analysis in which probability is used.

3.Critically consume policy studies/papers/reports in which statistical analysis is used.

4.Use the decision analysis frame


Join this course by selecting it in the academic system directly.

Contact: tse@my.nthu.edu.tw, Ms. Chang, Ext. 43090