Title: The Global South in the Making of World Order
Time: May 8 (Wed), 09:00 a.m.
Venue: Online (Google Meet). Click the button above to join the seminar.
Reminder: Please enter the online meeting with your microphone muted.
Guest Speaker: Randolph B Parsaud (Associate Professor of International Relations at American University in Washington D.C.)
Short bio:
Randolph B. Persaud is an Associate Professor of International Relations at American University in Washington D.C. He specializes in the areas of race and international relations, globalization, human security, and the politics of identity. Before joining American University, he was Assistant Director for the Center for International Security Studies at York University. At American University, he was Director of Comparative and Regional Studies. Dr. Persaud is the author of Counter-Hegemony and Foreign Policy published by the State University of New York Press and Co-Editor with Alina Sajed of Race, Gender, and Culture in International Relations: Postcolonial Perspectives. New York: Routledge (March 2018); Co-Editor of Race and International Relations, Special Issue of Alternatives (2001); Guest Editor of Race, Decoloniality and International Relations, Special Issue of Alternatives (2015) He has also published in major academic outlets such as Alternatives, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Race and Class, Connecticut Journal of International Law, Latin American Politics and Society, Globalizations, Korea Review of International Studies, and Encyclopedia of Globalization. Book chapters have been published by leading outlets such as Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Lynne Rienner, Routledge, Oxford University Press, Sage, United Nations University Press.