Title: UN Secretary-General Visits and Human Rights Diplomacy
Time: April 15 (Mon), 09:00 a.m.
Venue: Online (Google Meet). Click the button above to join the seminar.
Reminder: Please enter the online meeting with your microphone muted.
Guest Speaker: Byungwon Woo (Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science and
International Studies at Yonsei University)
Short bio:
Byungwon Woo is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Yonsei University. He is also serving as the Director of Political Research Institute and the Associate Director of the Institute of East & West Studies at Yonsei. He received his Ph.D. in political science in 2010 from the Ohio State University, and held faculty positions at
Oakland University and at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies before joining Yonsei. His research interests include the political economy of international institutions, bilateral economic assistance, economic sanctions, and human rights. His research has appeared at various academic outlets including American Journal of Political Science, Asian Women, Economics & Politics, Economics of Governance, Habitat International, International Interactions, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Human Rights, Korean Journal of International Studies, Korean Political Science Review, Korea Observer, Political Studies, Review of International Organizations, and the World
Economy. He currently serves as Associate Editor of International Studies Quarterly, as Managing Editor of Korean Journal of International Studies, and Editor-in-Chief of East & West Studies.