Title: Clash of Titans: US-China Conflict in Global Trade
Time: November 23rd (Thur), 9 a.m.
Venue: Online (Google Meet). Click the button above to join the seminar.
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Guest Speaker: Kristen Hopewell
( Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Policy in the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia)
Short Bio
Dr. Kristen Hopewell is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Policy in the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia. She is the Director of the Liu Institute for Global Issues and former Director of the Center for Chinese Research at UBC. She is a former Wilson China Fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. Professor Hopewell is a specialist in international trade, global governance, and development, with a focus on emerging powers. She is the author of Clash of Powers: US-China Rivalry in Global Trade Governance (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Breaking the WTO (Stanford University Press, 2016).
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