Title: The Anatomy of Global Cooperation and Evidence for a Multiplex World
Time: April 26th (Wed), 9 a.m.
Venue: Online (Google Meet). Click the button above to join the seminar.
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Guest Speaker: Louis Goodman
Emeritus Dean and Professor of International Relations at the School of International Service, American University, U.S.A.
Short Bio
Louis W. Goodman is Emeritus Dean and Professor of International Relations at American University’s School of International Service. He served as SIS Dean from 1986 to 2011. Under his leadership SIS became the largest school of international relations in the United States. Previously Dr. Goodman served on the faculty of Yale University’s Department of Sociology and as Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Programs of the Social Science Research Council and The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He has held visiting appointments at Tsinghua University (Beijing), the National University of Singapore, and Manipal University (India). He has been awarded Honorary Doctorates from San Martin de Porres University (Lima), the United Nations University for Peace (San Jose), and Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto). He has held leadership positions in the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs, the American Sociological Association, the Latin American Studies Association, and the International Studies Association. The author of numerous books and articles, Dr. Goodman’s current research focuses on public goods and sustainable development and on democracy building and civilian control of the armed forces.
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