Title: Spatializing Social Analysis: Lessons from studying herder relocation in Inner Mongolia
Time: March 28 (Tues), 9:00 a.m.
Venue: Online (Google Meet). Click the button above to join the seminar.
Reminder: Please enter the online meeting with your microphone muted.
Guest Speaker: You-tien Hsing
Professor of Geography and Director of Global Studies at UC Berkeley
Short Bio
You-Tien Hsing is a Professor of Geography and Director of Global Studies at UC Berkeley. Her research and teaching have been focused on the political economy of development in East Asia, especially China. She is interested in the question of power and space. Her first book, Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection, focuses on the role of culture in inter-regional capital flows. In my second book, The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China, She examines the issue of territoriality. She looks at how the transformation of the state and society shapes and is shaped by land battles in Chinese cities and villages. Her co-edited book, Reclaiming Chinese Society, looks at China’s emerging social activism in the struggles over distribution, recognition, and representation. Her current project concerns the cultural and environmental politics in Northwestern China. For her research, she draws inspiration from ethnographic work: in-depth interviews and participatory observation with a reflexive perspective. She believes that theorizing starts from muddy realities. It is a process of open dialogues and self-reflections, of which the historical and the geographical, the institutional and the emotional are all indispensable parts.
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