Yu-Shan Wu

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Yu-Shan Wu


Academician, Academia Sinica; Distinguished Research Fellow, and Founding Director, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica; Professor of Political Science, National Taiwan University

Yu-Shan Wu

Dr. Yu-Shan Wu


Contact Address
Institute of Political Science
128 Academia Road, Section 2
Nankang, Taipei
Taiwan, Republic of China



Yu-Shan Wu is Distinguished Research Fellow and founding director of the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He is an Academician of Academia Sinica, elected in 2016. He is also professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He is Inaugural Lo Chia Lun Chair Professor at National Central University, Chair Professor at National Chengchi University, and Honorary Chair Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University. He served as Convener of Political Science, National Science Council, and President of the Chinese Association of Political Science (Taipei). His major interests are in political and economic transitions in (ex-)socialist countries, constitutional engineering in nascent democracies, and theories of international relations and Cross-Taiwan Strait relations. He has been a pioneer-leader in Taiwan’s semi-presidential studies and theorization of cross-Strait relations. His area focuses are Taiwan, mainland China, Eastern Europe and Russia. He has authored and edited 24 books and published more than 150 journal articles and book chapters, in both English and Chinese. His books include Semi-Presidentialism and Democracy (2011), In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus (2011), The Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (2014), Semi-presidentialism Across Continents: A Dialogue Between Asia and Europe (2015), Resurgence of China: A Dialogue Between History and International Relations (2018).


Selected Publication


  • Robert Elgie, Sophia Moestrup, and Yu-Shan Wu, eds., Semi-Presidentialism and Democracy (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
  • Philip Hsu, Yu-Shan Wu, and Suisheng Zhao, eds., In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2011).
  • Tse-Kang Leng and Yu-Shan Wu, eds, The Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014).
  • Dachi Liao, Shen Yu-chung, and Wu Yu-Shan, eds., Semi-presidentialism Across Continents: A Dialogue Between Asia and Europe (Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2015).
  • Yu-Shan Wu, ed., Resurgence of China: A Dialogue Between History and International Relations (中國再起:歷史與國關的對話) (Taipei: Research Center for Confucianism in East Asia, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, 2018).

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • Yu-Shan Wu, “Comparing Taiwan and the CEE Trio: The Impact of Social and Institutional Factors,” Taiwan Journal of Democracy, special issue (May 2013): 103-127.
  • Yu-Shan Wu, “Under the Shadow of a Rising China: Convergence towards Hedging and The Peculiar Case of Taiwan,” in Ming-chin Monique Chu and Scott L. Kastner, eds., Globalization and Security Relations across the Taiwan Strait: In the Shadow of Power (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2014).
  • Yu-Shan Wu, “Rejuvenation of the Party-State: The Virtues and Limits of an Age-based Political System,” Issues & Studies 51:1 (March 2015): 99-128.
  • Yu-Shan Wu, “Russia and China Security,” in Lowell Dittmer and Maochun Yu, eds., Routledge Handbook of Chinese Security (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2015).
  • Yu-Shan Wu, “Heading towards Troubled Waters? The Impact of Taiwan’s 2016 Elections on Cross-Strait Relations,” American Journal of Chinese Studies 23:1 (April 2016): 59-75.
  • Yu-Shan Wu, “Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategies of Lesser Powers Caught between Hegemons,” in Lowell Dittmer, ed., Taiwan and China: Fitful Embrace (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017).
  • Yu-Shan Wu, “The History-Informed IR Study on the Resurgence of China,” in Tse-Kang Leng and Rumi Aoyama, eds., Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
  • Yu-Shan Wu and Kuan-Wu Chen, “Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relation: A Synthetic Perspective,” Journal of Asian and African Studies, 55:2 (March 2020): 168-186.


Research Interests

  • political and economic transitions in (ex-)socialist countries
  • semi-presidentialism and constitutional engineering
  • history and theories of international relations
  • Cross-Taiwan Strait relations



Course Description
To be provided