TA Duties
As TSE full scholarship recipients, students will be asked to carry teaching assistantships, to support professors while working toward your own coursework. We expect you to assist the professors with instructional responsibilities, and to be punctual, responsible, and responsive in a timely manner. This will be a great opportunity to work closely with and learn from the professors. The TA duties usually include (but are not limited to) communicating with the students and instructor, managing the e-learning platform and readings, preparing the lecture room, operating the online meeting and recording devices if needed, etc. Taking the course or not is not a mandatory requirement for the TA position. If you take a course and work as TA for that course at the same time, you will not grade other students or yourself, nor will it affect your own grades in any way.
TA Salary
Please note that the University operates on a payroll lag of about one month, and the TA salary is postpaid and pre-tax.
E.g. If a student has been registered as TA for October, he/she should receive the October salary in November, usually between November 15 and November 30.
How to Apply
Next semester's TA positions will be open for application by email notice. The allocation results will be announced around late August or early September (Fall semester)/ around February (Spring semester).
How to Register
a. Acquire a valid work permit (international students only)
For international students, a work permit valid for the entire semester is required to work as TAs. We recommend applying for it as soon as possible, as this will affect the salary payment schedule. The later one submits one's work permit, the longer it will take to receive one's salary.
- How to apply for a work permit? Check the "work permit" section on this page: https://oga.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1524-18665.php?Lang=en
- What is the valid length of my work permit should be? Check the NTHU Academic Calendar for the dates of "Registration day/Class" and "Semester Ends." E. g. the Fall 2023 semester commences on September 11 2023 and ends on January 31 2024.
- When can I collect my registration sticker (for ARC application)? the registration sticker will be available by email notice (after Registration day). If you have an urgent need for the sticker, please complete all tuition payments and bring your paid tuition slip to the division of registration, and look for Ms. Hung .
b. Complete the TA registration process
The registration timeline and information will be announced by the TSE office
via email. Please ensure to complete the TA registration process in the
NTHU Academic Information System before the specified deadline. Once the TA registration process is completed, the university can begin processing the salary payment.
It is crucial to note that failure to complete TA registration on time will result in the inability to receive salary. Late registrations will not be accepted.
NTHUI Course Management Platform
How to appoint a TA to manage the eeclass platform:
Register by instructor consent. The TA should contact the eeclass platform at
eeclass@my.nthu.edu.tw to register as TA for a course by providing the following information and copied the instructor in said email:
- Student ID
- Name
- Email address
- Department: Taipei School of Economics and Political Science
- Course ID, Course title, and Name of the instructor
- Copy the instructor in this email.
How to appoint a TA to manage the eLearn platform:
Register by instructor consent. The TA should contact the eLearn platform at elearn@my.nthu.edu.tw to register as TA for a course by providing the following information and copied the instructor in said email:
- Student ID
- Name
- Email address
- Department: Taipei School of Economics and Political Science
- Course ID, Course title, and Name of the instructor
- Copy the instructor in this email.